This cigar looks amazing in every aspect. The wrapper is the perfect shade of brown with a slight red hint to it. The cigar was solid with only one minor soft spot. There were no veins throughout the entire wrapper, and had a perfectly flush cap. This cigar gives off a very sweet smelling aroma that I wont forget. The cigar cut very clean and lit very easily.

Once the sweetness came out, there was definite chocolate flavor. Once the chocolate came to full force, a bitter coffee flavor came in. The combination of chocolate, coffee, and cedar was so strong, I didn’t think an unflavored cigar could have this much sweetness.
Just after the halfway point, the cigar lost a little bit of its sweetness and became very earthy. The wood notes became more prominent and diluted the coffee and chocolate flavors. In the last few inches, the coffee picked up a bit but the majority was still the earthy wood notes. Overall the flavor was great throughout the whole cigar.

This was my first Cuban cigar, and it was an event to remember. I didn’t know what I was in for, but I surely was not disappointed at all. This goes down as one of the smoothest cigars I have ever had. I feel that this cigar deserves a solid 8.25 out of 10.
Zack the Stogie Man
If are able to procure any...the caban Hoyo de Monterrey's are one of my favorite brands: Epicure #1 and #2, and Le Hoyo de Dieux. I saw your review for the Partagas Serie should check out the Serie D#4 (robusto). Love the blog, keep smoking the good stuff.